Manchester based P4 Planning has submitted a full planning application for additional extra care accommodation at The Old Rectory Nursing Home in Grappenhall, Warrington.
Acting on behalf of the existing operator, Orncare, the development will accommodate 32 extra care beds located to the rear of the existing nursing home, which lies within designated Green Belt.
The plans will help meet the critical need for extra care accommodation and help safeguard the future of The Old Rectory, which provides a vital local service, through adapting and diversifying its business.
The project team has engaged in pre-application consultation over a number of months to inform the design and materials, which seek to preserve the character of the Grappenhall Conservation Area and the setting of the listed church.
Says Charlotte Fowler, Associate at P4 Planning: “There have been a number of considerations to take into account for the application which together present a compelling case for very special circumstances, required to justify development of land in the Green Belt.
“The UK faces a social care crisis which has been well documented and has come under sharper focus in the last year with the Covid-19 pandemic. The existing nursing home has an excellent reputation for providing high standards of nursing, respite and palliative care and the new accommodation will help diversify and further enhance the quality of care that is available for the elderly in Warrington.”
Jonathan Eyes, operator of The Old Rectory added “The past eight months have been incredibly challenging for the care sector and this has strengthened our resolve to increase the breadth of care we offer, which will help safeguard our future as a critical component of the community in Grappenhall – and we are therefore particularly grateful for their support.”
The new accommodation, which will comprise 16 extra care units, providing a maximum of 32 beds, will be constructed to the rear of the existing nursing home, bringing the total number of potential beds to 70.
The Old Rectory Nursing Home is located within the Grappenhall Conservation Area and was established in 1988, when converted from a derelict building which had been vacant for many years. It has operated for over 30 years and continues to be family owned and run with most residents from the local Grappenhall and Warrington community. The plans intend to further strengthen its relationship with the village, providing a critical service and supporting other local businesses.
The planning application has been supported by a range of technical evidence including environmental and ecology assessments, design and access statement and heritage assessment, ensuring the proposed development will continue to provide public benefits in accordance with national planning policy, whilst meeting the pressing need for this type of care.
The project team includes P4 Planning, Fluid Architectural Design, SK Transport Planning and Garry Miller Historic Building Consultancy
Image shows the proposed new scheme omitting the landscaping also planned for the wider development