As we approach the Christmas season, it seems like now is a good time to stop, look back and take stock on how we have navigated 2021.
And what a year it’s been.
With a fair degree of uncertainty, unexpected changes and new ways of working, we, like you, will in some ways be glad to see the back of 2021. However, it’s also been a year to celebrate, and a year of consolidation, further growth and new opportunities.
To mark this year, we have prepared nine advent doors that highlight some of our achievements, represented by some key numbers. And just as Father Christmas will be navigating the skyline this Christmas Eve, we’re sharing some of the ways that we navigated 2021, with all its bumps and surprises.

31 local planning authorities
Planning doesn’t always have to be adversarial.
In 2021 we worked with 31 different local authorities right across the UK from Edinburgh to Exeter.
One of the key values that we add to the planning process is our established relationships with our counterparts at local planning authorities.
Taking the time to have meaningful dialogue means that we understand a local planning authority’s stance on a particular matter, engage positively, and secure a pragmatic solution that wins for both parties.
One new recruit
In a challenging market, our team is still growing. After four new recruits in 2020, we have taken on another new starter this year, and are looking to expand further next year.
We’re committed to employing younger recruits to complement our senior team so it was a pleasure to welcome Freddie Flintoff (the original one, long before the cricketer was given the nickname) in December. Freddie is studying geography at the University of Manchester and has joined us for eight months as a part of her placement year before finishing her studies.
10% growth in revenue
After 50% growth in 2020, we’re pleased to have consolidated and built on that by seeing a further 10% growth in the business in 2021 – and that’s in the face of a global pandemic.
We love a challenge. There’s nothing like the satisfaction of taking on a complex project that has things stacked against it and turning things around for our clients.
We operate across all development sectors and have seen most growth this year in planning for industrial and logistics, senior living and higher education projects.
28 planning applications
Since January 2021, we’ve submitted 28 applications for planning permission or listed building consent across the length and breadth of the country.
For everything from minor alterations to major urban extensions, each one has, in some shape or form, overcome a challenge and helped a client of ours to achieve their own ambitions and aspirations.
It’s easy to only focus on the newsworthy developments, but an alteration to a listed building or a variation to a restrictive planning condition can also dramatically change a site’s prospects and viability.
Growth in our client base by 44%
As well as our team growing in size, our client base has also grown.
It turns out that a whopping 44% of our client base as of December 2021 instructed us for the first time this year.
We work hard and produce great results and it pays off when word of mouth means that we become another developer’s planning consultant of choice.
Thank you to all our new clients this year, and we look forward to working with you again in 2022.
A refreshed brand and a new website
P4 Planning was established eight years ago in 2013. In 2021, with the team and client base expanding, it was time for a refresh. And whilst our brand is more than our logo, it’s most clearly seen in the change from our original burgundy square to our new blue P4 circle designed by our very own Olivia.
We also launched our brand new website that fully reflects our brand and our mission – to provide a breath of fresh air as we help you navigate the complex town planning system. We love it and hope you do too!
14a Little Lever Street, to be exact
Like many of you, with more government-mandated home working this year, working as a remote team became the norm for us.
But that hasn’t stopped us moving into our new office this summer.
Right at the heart of the Northern Quarter in Manchester’s city centre and conservation area, we are loving being able to work together in real life, as well as get out and about in Manchester’s lively city centre.
If you’re ever in the neighbourhood, drop in and say hi!
13 heritage and conservation projects
It often seems like we are constantly being asked to assess how much a development proposal might impact upon the significance of a heritage asset. That’s because heritage assets are, in fact, all around us. In our recent blog post about the significance of heritage assets, we shared how Liverpool has more listed buildings outside of London than anywhere else in England.
This year, 13 of the projects we worked on involved heritage and conservation matters. And whether it was applying for direct works to a listed building, assessing the impact on the setting of a conservation area or something in between, we have undertaken detailed heritage impact assessments for each.
82% of this year’s work was repeat business
82% of the work we undertook this year came from repeat business. That’s clients that trust us to deliver the right outcome for them.
We are eternally thankful for our clients that trust us to do a good job promoting their interests through the planning system.
We love working with you. Let’s raise a glass to the end of 2021 and we look forward to a great year with you in 2022!
Merry Christmas!