The next steps in wider masterplan works
Two applications for improvement works to Cheadle Hulme School’s campus have been approved by Stockport Council.
The first, an extension to one of the school’s teaching blocks, will deliver six new classrooms.
The proposals are the latest step in the school’s wider estate strategy which has delivered an ongoing programme to modernise existing facilities and deliver new accommodation across the school site.
As the estate lies in designated Green Belt and in the heart of a residential area, all improvement works have to be sensitively drawn up to maintain openness of the Green Belt and with clear lines of communication with local representatives of the community.
We’ve been advising the school on its masterplan for well over ten years, and in that time have secured various permissions including for a new sports pavilion, coach drop off area, all weather floodlit pitch, a new pre-school building and an extension to the sixth form centre.
‘A Block’, which lies at the heart of the school campus, accommodates teaching space for music, science, and religious studies but the building is outdated and requires significant investment to bring it up to modern standards.
Despite being a relatively modest development proposal, this latest scheme for 545m2 additional floorspace, designed by Pozzoni Architects and working with project manager Beaumont Lord, will bring significant benefits to pupils and staff. The added space will give staff the additional flexibility needed to meet current teaching standards and changing pedagogy.
The second application, approved in December 2021, will enable minor alterations to be made to the Grade II listed school building, to install glazing at either end of a busy thoroughfare. Once it is protected from the elements, it will become a valuable multipurpose space offering flexibility for a variety of needs such as a lunchtime servery and a sheltered space to support parents and visitors to weekend sporting events.
Chief Operating Officer, Warren James said: ‘Our estate improvement plans are focused on improving the experience and learning conditions for our pupils, so this latest approval is an exciting next step in our wider plans.’
‘We are pleased with the ongoing investment in our estate which has been delivered in a sensitive location and more recently over a very challenging period.’
Olivia Carr, Planning Assistant at P4 said: ‘Both these proposals are excellent examples of how relatively modest interventions and efficient design can bring about disproportionately positive effects.’
‘These works are an important step in the wider strategy to ensure that Cheadle Hulme School continues to deliver a fantastic education for its pupils.’