332 – 340 Chester Road, Trafford



332 – 340 Chester Road, Trafford

We are preparing a planning application for the demolition of the existing warehouse building and the erection of a four-storey apartment block comprising 34no. residential units (Use Class C3) with associated landscaping at 332 – 340 Chester Road, Trafford.

Our proposal is to reuse this dilapidated and vacant site to provide much needed apartments in a highly sustainable location.

The video below sets the context of the site, the proposals and their benefits in more detail, alongside plans to assist. The video can be paused, enlarged, or downloaded.

We are keen to receive feedback and so would be grateful if you could please complete this survey by 31 August 2024. Thank you. *The survey is now closed, please email CONTACT@P4PLANNING.CO.UK with any feedback you have.